The shapes of the products are natural, with style in both the choice of materials as the shape. The colors are based on the Transylvanian tradition. The workshop started from a hobby to revive the traditions in this county. The oven used is a modern digital electric oven, which guarantees quality of the finished product. The artisan uses non-toxic materials, certified by the suppliers. No lead, cobalt or other toxic materials are present in the glaze. The clay is imported from Germany, suited for food and drinks. The products are modeled exclusively by hand without the use of a potter's wheel or molds. Specifically, the clay is first stretched with a spatula, then cut into the desired shape and size, then shaped. Modeling takes time and skill. Baking the clay product is a sensitive process because the heat must be evenly on sides, otherwise cracks may occur. The next step is to dry the dishes, which is also done naturally and requires between 5 and 12 days, depending on the size and thickness of the products. After the dishes are dry, it is time to finish them and then put them in the oven for the first burning. This heating is done at a temperature of 950-1000 degrees Celsius. Once cooled, the products can be glazed. This can be done by dipping in glaze, brushing, spraying or a mix between the 3 procedures. The last burn is made between 1030 and 1100 degrees. At the end, the bottom of the product is polished so that it does make scratches. This is the process by which our products arrive on your tables, with passion and creativity.